Are You Building a Leaning Tower of Pisa?
Published: Thu, 03/01/18
+ Are You Building a Leaning Tower of Pisa? The Leaning Tower of Pisa was not supposed to lean. Built in the 12 century on ground that was too soft,…
Welcome to Strength for Life. We will be sending you some great information in the form of newsletters, events, and fitness and nutrition tips.
Published: Thu, 03/01/18
+ Are You Building a Leaning Tower of Pisa? The Leaning Tower of Pisa was not supposed to lean. Built in the 12 century on ground that was too soft,…
Published: Tue, 02/27/18
+What Can We Learn from Mickey, Harry and the Lora ? The creators of Mickey Mouse, Harry Potter and the Lora had something that any of us can use to…
Published: Mon, 02/26/18
+What I Want to Be! By Chief Mo ie Natalie Bean What I want to be.Seems simple, right? But some of us struggle with this simple thing. How can we…
Published: Fri, 02/23/18
+So, What Now?! by Ed WinfieldAre you trying to lose weight? Are you trying to get stronger? Or, are you doing this for health and quality of life…
Published: Thu, 02/22/18
+ The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Weight Train 1. Higher metabolism – When you train with weights or resistance you increase the amount of muscle in…
Published: Tue, 02/20/18
+Setting Goal Categories Last week, we worked on creating your own personal mission statement. Now it’s time to start writing your goals. Begin by…
Published: Mon, 02/19/18
+5 skills you should develop By Chief Mo ie Natalie Bean So here are 5 skills to help you achieve your fitness goals.1. Stop complaining and feeling…
Published: Thu, 02/15/18
+How Long does it Take to Form a Habit? You’ve probably heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Well, that is not really accurate. The myth of…
Published: Wed, 02/14/18
+How Much Should I Eat? By Mike SteckI want to touch on another one of the many misconceptions around weight training and really just leading a…
Published: Tue, 02/13/18
+How Much E ercise is Enough? You have started a regular program of e ercise and want to know how much e ercise is the right amount to reach your…