by Ed Winfield
Are you trying to lose weight? Are you trying to get stronger? Or, are you doing this for health and quality of life reasons? The first thing to do is understand what you’re trying to accomplish.
One of the biggest reasons that someone starts a fitness program, is to lose weight and tone up. Let me tell you something right away, this is exactly why you never achieve your goals. I’ll tell someone coming in to see me that I can cut their arm off and they’ll lose weight. Of course, this doesn’t go over very well. But when you understand what your doing to yourself physically, when doing the 6 weeks lose 20 lbs programs, or,
eat this way for 8 weeks and lose this much program, then you’ll understand that cutting off your arm will not only achieve your goal, butt you’ll be able to keep the weight off.
From a metabolic stand point, YOU ARE HURTING YOURSELF, and thinking your doing the right thing.
have been brain-washed.
So, the answer is when asked what your goals are, “I want to build muscle and burn fat, I want to make
my body an efficient fat-burning machine”. You will accomplish 2 things, 1 – you will burn fat on a regular daily basis, and 2 - you will tighten up the muscles squeezing out the visceral fat making your muscles leaner and reducing the size.
Results are dropping down in the size of clothes that you wear and losing body fat.
This is based on science, it doesn’t
matter, whether you are a man or woman, young or old, what does matter is how to accomplish this in the most efficient way based upon your body type.
All you have to do is have the desire
to succeed and outline in detail, your goals so when you meet with a knowledgeable trainer, they can develop a program that is suitable for you.
Now is the time, no more excuses, let’s create a plan right for you and never look back!
Staying motivated is tough for everyone, but a lot easier when you understand the process and start
seeing results.
For more information on this and the Strength For Life philosophy, please contact Ed Winfield