Struggling to Keep Up With Your Exercise Program? Try these Hacks!
- Keep a packed gym bag in your car so you are ready to exercise.
- Pack your gym clothes the night before.
- Schedule
your workouts like you would a doctor’s appointment.
- Do some pushups, squats or lunges during commercials while you are watching television.
- Listen to a
good book or podcast on your phone while you exercise.
- Put a dollar in a jar every time you exercise. A good way to get in a workout and save money at the same time. When the jar is full, buy yourself a reward.
- Workout with a friend. Working out with a buddy will hold you accountable and you can socialize at the same time.
- Make a playlist for your workout. Working out to music that you enjoy helps time pass quicker.
- Break up your workout into brief time segments of five or ten minutes. Stringing together several smaller workouts can still give you the benefits of one longer workout.
- Set the timer on your phone to
remind you to do some activity every hour. Take a few hundred steps every hour and your total activity for the day will start to soar.
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consultation, email
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