by Ed Winfield
So, here you are! Busting your butt, made the
commitment, pushing hard, gathering knowledge, learning what you should be doing for yourself, and……
NOTHING! Or so it seems, right
now your body is adjusting, adapting to what you’re doing. There is no way that your body will not change when you are doing the RIGHT things and making, even small, changes in your diet.
You may not see it right away, it may take months, but someone else will be able to tell, and your clothes may fit
a little differently and you may be sleeping better. Look for these changes, hunker down and keep pushing, stay in the game, it will happen and keep happening when you are on the right track surrounded by the right people.
IT’S HARD! If it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be an obesity problem in our country. We wouldn’t have a multi-billion-dollar industry in supplements, gym memberships, equipment sales, and weight loss programs.
Stop looking things up on the internet! People were getting in great shape before the internet and pre-workout drinks, intra-workout drinks, and weight loss programs.
STOP! Stop comparing your insides (how you feel about yourself) with someone else’s outsides (what’s posted on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snap Chat) Quit looking and doubting yourself. You must believe in the program that you are following.
Hopefully, you’ve found the right Trainer, either online or in person to follow and give you the right guidance. Remember, you are paying for this, if it doesn’t make sense, if they cannot explain the
program in terms which you can understand, then walk away. YOU have to believe in the right person, that understands you, so you can believe in the program that you’re following.
Are you still with me?
If you don’t believe you’re on the right track, you won’t be looking for the positive results that you’re working for. It’s easy to be negative, you’ve been living your life based upon not getting results, being let down and having your expectations crushed.
ENOUGH! Keep moving forward, don’t give up, be confident in what you’re doing!
Before you know it, weeks become months, and months become
years, now you’ve created a lifestyle that you’ve worked hard for and can be proud of!
You are now what other people are striving for! That’s not why you are doing this, it’s just a reflection of what you accomplished and you deserve it because you worked for it.
Funny thing is, it won’t seem like work anymore, just something you do for yourself, instead of watching TV, Videos, and eating crappy food!
Staying motivated is tough for everyone, but a lot easier when you understand the process and start seeing results.
For more information on this and the Strength For Life philosophy, please contact Ed Winfield at