I’ve been thinking about this over the last few years and have come to the conclusion that the Industry that I love and have spent the last 29 years of my life in, is in a sad state.
In a word, it’s come down to one thing: Marketing
Obviously, marketing is in every product, service and just about everything a consumer comes across.
The issue becomes, what’s quality and what’s Snake
Imagine the Old West and a Carpet Bagger comes through town with a magic elixir (whiskey) he claims, it removes stains, cures a cough and the common cold, and even takes pain away.
It might to some degree, but in reality, it’s still just a bottle of whiskey.
That’s what I feel is being pushed, sold, and thrown upon a public desperate for answers. Especially women, they’ve got your number, on the scale that is. They know that that’s what the majority of women and some men are thinking about day in and day out. They are counting on those insecurities and have created a billion dollar industry, because of it.
You’ve seen the ads on TV, lose so many pounds in just a few weeks, do this diet, eat this way, and take these pills, cream, shake. Wrap yourself up in this, rub on that, and you too can look like this.
Ask yourself, how much money have you spent over the last few years on diets, gyms, trainers and ridiculous fads that may
have started out with some hope and a little result but ultimately ended up back where you started. Does it make you feel better that Marie Osmond or Dan Marino are the pushers for a product. If these multimillionaires (who are getting paid to endorse said product) really went through, struggled with and agonized over, as you did, then (with all their money, access to Chefs, Doctors and image consultants) they have bigger issues than losing a little weight.
Whose fault is it? YOURS!
You should know better. But I totally understand, like I said earlier, you’re desperate. So, if you’re at the end of your rope, you need to educate yourself, find the right person (expert) who can explain it to you,
accept it, commit to it and DO IT! Understand it’s going to be work; you will need to trust the right person, believe in the process and recognize other measurable results, no matter how small, before your ultimate goal is achieved.
At Strength For Life, we give you a free appointment to get to know you, your goals, stresses, current fitness level, fears, anxieties, and we’ll better understand who
you are and what you have been through and where you want to go. You will also, get to know us, who we are, our philosophy, our system, and the science behind how and why we do things. It’s simple.
Email me at ed@strengthforlife.us to ask any further questions
and schedule an appointment, the last one you’ll ever need, and get ready to actually create a lifestyle in fitness and health, that you may never dreamed possible.