Are You Ready for a Challenge?

Published: Thu, 01/18/18

+ Are you Ready for a Challenge?
Have you completed the Strength for Life January Fitness Challenge yet?

Each month we are presenting our clients with a different fitness challenge. Challenge are a great way to keep motivated through the entire year. Our January challenge is a squat challenge. Each challenge has three levels. Choose the level that is challenging for you. Challenges can be scheduled before or after a class or a personal training session with one of our SFL trainers..

January Fitness Challenge - Squat

Level 1 Challenge: Goblet Squat for 20 reps with 20 pounds to parallel

Level 2 Challenge: Back Squat to parallel with ½ bodyweight on bar for 20 reps

Level 3 Challenge: Back Squat to parallel with bodyweight on bar for 15 reps

Remember to maintain good form throughout each lift. Challenges must be reviewed by an SFL trainer.

If you are not yet part of the Strength for Life family and want to try one of our challenges call us at 484-441-6126 or email

“Challenge Yourself to Excel! ”
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