2019 will be here before you know it. Every January millions of Americans will make a resolution to lose weight, yet very few succeed. In fact, around 95% of people who diet fail.
The reason is simple – diets do not change the way you live. A diet is based on some kind of restriction. Many popular diets limit the types of foods that you can eat or drastically limit the amount of calories that you eat. Neither of these strategies is sustainable over the long haul.
Many people give up the first time they go off the diet plan. They have failed and give up. Others gain back any weight they have lost and more after the diet is finished because they have not changed any of their habits.
Diets don’t work! The only way to be successful for the rest of your life is to adopt a lifestyle that works with you to improve your fitness, health and body composition.
If you want to look better, feel better, and move better for the rest of your life, the key is to work on the behaviors and habits that support a healthy lifestyle.
After more than 30 years in the fitness industry, we have developed a program that produces long-term results without dieting.
The Strength for Life Total Transformation Program is about building a lifestyle that is going to last. This is not a quick fix or a crash diet. In fact, get rid of the word “diet” from your vocabulary.
Here’s what you will get with the Total Transformation Program:
- 8 Interactive Presentations on Nutrition, Fitness, and Healthy behaviors
- 8 Small Group Personal Training Classes
- Unlimited access to our small group fitness classes
- Recipes and Food Logs
- Newsletter with Fitness and Nutrition Tips
- Goal Setting
If you are ready for your new life, email me at Jim@Strengthforlife.us to get started.
Who am I?
I am Jim Gallagher, the co-owner of Strength for Life, a personal training studio in Springfield, PA. Over the past 30 plus years, I have been helping people become their best selves by adopting a regular program of exercise.
At one time or another, I have worked in every segment of the fitness industry and have seen the good and bad. Unfortunately, many fitness centers exist only to line the pockets of their owners with money taken from members who do not show up. That why we developed our own studio, Strength for Life, to make sure that we focus on getting results for our
My mission is to help as many people as possible get in the best shape of their life so they can be the best version of themselves.