Carbs, or carbohydates, have gotten a pretty bad rep recently. Low carb and no carb diets have become the new go-to for anyone looking to lose weight. But have we gone too far in our quest to eliminate carbs from our diet?
Carbohydrates provide energy that fuels Your body. Carbohydrates are just glucose, (sugar), molecules that are strung together. These molecules break down in the body to provide energy.
Carbohydrates can be simple or complex. Simple carbohydrates have fewer molecules of sugar and break down quickly in the body. Think of simple carbohydrates as a match that burns bright and quick. When we consume simple carbs, our energy levels spike quickly and then drop fast.
Complex carbohydrates break down more slowly and provide a more even energy. Like the light of a candle, complex carbs provide energy at a steady rate for a longer period-of-time than simple carbohydrates.
Should simple carbohydrates be totally eliminated from our daily nutrition?
The problem with vilifying any type of
food whether it is simple carbohydrates, fats or protein is that there is no perfect nutrition plan that provides all the nutrients we need to thrive and a one size fits all plan does not take into account individual variations based on size, gender, age, culture, activity type and level or geography.
A good general recommendation is to consume more complex carbohydrates than simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates make us feel full, aid in digestion, regulate our blood sugars, can help us maintain a healthy weight, as well as provide protection against developing Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
However, some simple carbs are good for us. Examples of foods that contain simple sugars and provide us with nutrients that we need are milk and fruits. Milk contains lactose, a simple sugar. Milk also contains calcium which helps in the development and maintenance of strong bones. Fruit contains fructose, a simple sugar,
but also provides the body with fiber and vitamins. Fiber slows down the absorption of sugar in the body and helps keep our digestive system healthy.
Why we need Carbs
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The Challenge:
Level 1 – Decrease the amount of sugary drinks you consume each day. Switch soda for water
or carbonated water.
Level 2 – Add some complex carbs in the form of vegetables to your dinner each day.
Level 3 – Remove all added simple sugars from your daily nutrition.