is known as the keystone state because of both its location in the middle of the original 13 colonies and the key role the state played in the economic, political and social development of the United States.
A keystone is the central wedge-shaped stone in an arch that holds the entire
structure together. The concept of keystone habits was recently popularized in the book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life and Business by Charles Duhigg.
There are several keystone habits that have the power to change our lives. Getting adequate sleep, saving money, eliminating negative self-talk, avoiding a perfectionist mindset, establishing good nutrition patterns and exercise are keystone habits. Working on any one of these habits can help us improve in other
areas of our life as well.
Take the keystone habit of exercise. Many people who start an exercise program find they they start to eat better, cut back on alcohol consumption and even go to bed earlier.
Exercise is a powerful habit that has the power to transform your life. Getting in shape is only the tip of the iceberg. Physically, exercise can improve body composition, increase your metabolism, help your body burn more fat even at rest, improve your heart and lung function, prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, lower blood pressure and increase strength
and endurance.
I believe that the mental and emotion benefits of an exercise program are more beneficial and more important than the physical benefits. Exercise has been shown to improve self-confidence and self-esteem. Exercise helps us to feel better about ourselves and gives us the
confidence to go out and be our best.
How has the habit of exercise affected other areas of your life? Leave a comment to let us know.