The Triple “S” Criterion
Simplicity -Are the rules easy to follow?
Science - Are the rules based on sound scientific principles?
Success - Have the rules actually worked for you?
Follow these 12 rules and you will never be tempted to follow a diet again.
- Eat complete lean protein each time you eat.
Protein helps you
to build muscle and maintain strong bones in the body as well as prevent muscle loss as we age. Increasing the amount of muscle you have is important. The more muscle you have in the body, the more calories you burn even at rest. This is one of the ways that protein helps you manage your weight. Eating protein at meals also helps you to feel full.
Protein also takes more energy, burns more calories, to digest than fats or carbohydrates.
Protein helps to repair muscle tissue after exercise. Resistance exercise causes
small tears in muscle cells. Protein helps muscle cells repair and become stronger. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day even at rest. Look for the leanest cut of meat possible.
Another benefit of eating protein is that protein slows down the absorption of sugar, preventing spikes in blood glucose helping prevent type 2 diabetes.
Choose lean cuts of protein. Delmonico vs. Filet
- Eat vegetables or fruit every time you eat
Lowered blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease and stroke and digestive problems are all benefits of adding fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and many vitamins and minerals necessary to support good
Fill your plate with as many colors as possible. Green leafy vegetables, orange sweet potatoes, blueberries, oranges, red and yellow peppers are just a few good choices.
- Drink more water
About 70% of the body is made of water. Keeping yourself hydrated is essential for good health and weight loss. Water will make you feel full.
- Steer away from simple carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are made of simple sugar molecules. They are rapidly digested and a quick source of energy. Simple carbohydrates have no beneficial effects on health or weight loss. Simple carbs are usually disguised as easy to prepare, packaged or processed foods, loaded with sodium and
Some food sources of simple carbohydrates:
Sugar, corn syrup, fruit drinks, soft drinks and candy are all examples of simple carbohydrates.
- Make room for healthy fats
Healthy fats are a good energy source and help manufacture and balance hormones in the body. Healthy fats provide essential fatty acid that our body cannot make like Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Olive oil and avocados are examples of healthy
fats. Be careful though not to eat too many health fats as fats are the most-dense foods that we eat providing about 9 calories per gram compared to protein and carbohydrates both of which provide 4 calories per gram.
- Ditch the caloric containing drinks
Sodas, lattes, frappachinos, alcohol, and even fruit juices and smoothies contain a high amount of easily consumed calories. These drinks typically contain many unnecessary extra calories and fat. Choose low calorie options like water, tea
or coffee. Watch out for sports drinks and flavored water as they also contain extra calories.
- Focus on whole foods
Whole foods provide a better source of energy, have more vitamins and minerals than processed foods. Grocery stores typically keep whole foods around the perimeter of the store.
- Break the rules 10% of the time
Try to stick to the good rules of nutrition about 90% of the time. Allow yourself to choose poor foods once in awhile. Just remember to limit these choices to about 10% of your total meals. Be careful not to let these cheat meals begin a downward spiral in your nutrition program. Get back to following the rules as soon
as possible. Allowing yourself to indulge occasionally will help you sustain good nutrition over the long haul.
- Develop food preparation strategies
Set aside time on Sundays or one day a week to prepare for the week ahead. Write out your menus, do your grocery shopping and prepare your meals for the week ahead of time. Use storage containers to pack, save and transport meals.
- Have a breakfast ritual
Eating a good health breakfast can give you the energy you need to start the day. We recommend a complex carbohydrate plus
protein. Prepare breakfast ahead of time if you can so you do not feel rushed in the morning and end up grabbing a breakfast loaded with simple carbohydrates.
A good tip is to establish a breakfast ritual such as eating at same time every morning, sit
down to eat at the same place and avoid multi-tasking.
- Balance daily choices with healthy variety
Choosing a
healthy variety of food will help ensure that you get the protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates as well as the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health.
- Fill up with fiber
Fiber helps you to feel full and supports heart health by pulling bad cholesterol from the body. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are natural sources of fiber. Fiber can also support your digestive system. If you are not used to having fiber in your diet, introduce foods with fiber slowly. Build to 25-30 grams of fiber a day.