Using YouTube and Instagram as Your Personal trainer
The instant access we get from the internet and Social Media can be wonderful. We have access to unlimited knowledge with the press of a button. Some of tis information is excellent and can help us become smarter, get in better shape, learn new things, explore places, connect with other people and have fun.
However, much of the information, particularly about fitness, can be misleading, unsafe or incorrect.
Anyone can declare themselves an expert. I never realized how many best-selling fitness authors there are who I have never heard of in over thirty years in the field. If you type in personal trainers on Instagram, most of the images that appear are half-dressed people taking selfies of themselves in various places. When did the bathroom become a portrait studio?
Once you weed through the narcissistic photos, you can find a trainer who actually offer fitness advice. But even here you have to be careful figuring out who is reputable and is providing good information.
Check out the
credentials of the trainer and watch how they perform the exercises they are showing. A good trainer will have a reputable certification or degree in Kinesiology, Exercise Science or a related field. A good trainer will point out the proper way to perform a lift. The technique should be smooth and all bodyparts should be aligned properly. The back should be in a neutral position with the chest up and shoulders back. The abdominals should be braced and the body should not wobble from side
to side during an exercise.
A good way to decide if the information is good is to watch videos from a variety for trainers and look for information that is common in most of the posts. Better yet, look for a good personal trainer in your local area or an online trainer who has the proper
background, education and experience to help you with your fitness goals.
Be advised – Just because you see something on the internet, doesn’t mean that it is true.