Jenna Fredette climbed the rope today!
This was significant because Jenna has been working on climbing the 16 feet to the roof of Strength for Life for almost a year. Jenna is a very accomplished Emergency Room physician at Christiana
Hospital, a wife and mother of two beautiful twins and a former Villanova Wildcat mascot. Yet, conquering the rope eluded her..... until now.
Jenna is a great example of someone who never gives up on her goals. Jenna used several good goal strategies to literally get to the end of
her rope.
First, she knew her “Why.” Jenna’s desire to climb the rope stems from another goal, to complete a Beast Spartan Race. The Beast is a 13.5 mile obstacle course race up and down a mountain which includes one or more rope climbs throughout the race.
Whenever she doubted herself, she could look ahead to her goal of completing the Beast and climbing the rope during the race. A strong “Why” can keep you going during difficult times.
Second, she was made climbing the rope a priority and was consistent in her training.
Consistency may be the biggest reason why people achieve goals. They work on the skills and tasks that will bring them closer to their goal. They do not rely on motivation or willpower. Goal achievers schedule what they need to do and then consistently show up and do the work. They do not let life get in their way.
Finally, Jenna used purposeful practice to achieve her goal. Each step of the way, she worked on the sub-skills that would propel her to the top of that blasted rope. Jenna worked on hanging from a bar to gain enough upper body strength to hold onto the rope during her climb. She did numerous hanging leg raises to be able to move her lower body while pulling with her upper body. She practiced the proper foot placement to secure the rope as
she ascended and learned to stand up after clamping the rope with her feet. Workout after workout, week after week, month after month, she put in the time and practice to keep improving until finally, the floor was way below her and so was her goal of climbing the rope.
Achieving goals is
hard work. Goals take time, consistent practice and a good reason or “Why” to keep us going. We are very proud of Jenna for never giving up and working hard to beat the rope. Are you focused on achieving your goals? What is your “Why?” Are you consistently working toward your goals? Are you using purposeful practice?
Are you ready to climb to the end of your “rope?”