The point of this series is to accept where you are. Sure that sounds good, right?
Accept where you are in life that way you can move forward.
Accept all your faults physically and mentally.
Makes total sense and will work for some, but not for me because, for me, that is bullshit.
I will not accept any of it. I will not accept that I am over weight, that I have no muscle,
that I am not strong. I do not like feeling
this way,
so I have a hard time accepting these
On the other
hand, having an understanding of where I am is something different.
I understand that I need to lose weight,
need or want to be strong,
and have more muscle. Having a clear understanding of my goals and not accepting
my faults, weaknesses, challenges, struggles are what I use to move forward with my goals.
I use the "not accepting" as a motivation.
I will push harder, train harder, eat better, think more positively.
You will focus better when you learn to have a better understanding of where you are and
what you need to do to reach your goals.
A better understanding and the will to not accept will catapult you to
a healthier, stronger, better person!
This is something I see everyday at Strength for life with all of our clients.
I love watching every single person who will not accept the fact
that they cannot push that weight, will not give into feeling tired or not pushing
for that last rep.
Not accepting that climbing a rope or doing a pull up is too hard for them.
Even people who are just starting and just don’t accept anymore where they are
physically and want to feel better and stronger.
It is awesome to watch and super