by Ed Winfield
Moving Forward! Be Consistent.
That’s it in a nut shell!
You have to remember this is a process not a quick fix.
It is ridiculous to think that you can create a healthy lifestyle, drop 15 to 20 pounds (of fat) retain or gain significant muscle in 12, 16 or 20 weeks!
From a physiological standpoint, if you drop that much WEIGHT in that amount of time, your doing more damage to yourself than actually helping yourself.
Like I said in the last article, if you want those kinds of results, I might as well cut your arm off, you’ll lose the weight and you’ll keep it off!
You really need to understand that this is a process, it may take 6 months to a year or more to achieve a long-term goal of losing 20lbs. This is not to say that you will see some kind of measurable results within that time frame, maybe in 6 weeks even. But there are different results to look for, for instance, better balance, better energy, lower resting heart rate, you may sleep better, go up and down the stairs without
holding on to a railing or stopping to catch your breath.
Obviously, results vary with each person based on the individual’s current fitness level.
This is why most programs do not work. The facilities that use a high intensity approach need the constant volume of members coming through so they can weed out the ones that don’t make it and exploit the ones that do.
What I’d like to see is the follow up on those individual’s that lose that amount of weight in a short period of time. Let’s see them 6 to 8 months later. 9 times out of 10, they’ve gained the weight back and then some. They didn’t create a doable lifestyle change.
Let’s get real!
It’s going to take time, effort, a little education and the proper fitness professional to guide you, so you may create the lifestyle and the body that you’ve always wanted.
You can do this! You are going to pay for it sometime in your life. It might as well be known so you can enjoy the results!
Staying motivated is tough for everyone, but a lot easier when you understand the process and start
seeing results.
For more information on this and the Strength For Life philosophy, please contact Ed Winfield at