Last week I wrote a quick blurb about the state of the fitness industry in which I pointed out how they (meaning the commercial giants, supplement and diet companies) are preying on the unsuspecting public, and selling you snake
Our industry demographics, is made up mostly of women from the age of 30 to 65. These are women that have matured, are making a living, supporting families and taking care of their kids. The majority of these women will put their families first before themselves. Women care about their health more than men, usually.
Commercially, the big buzz word is empowerment for women. Whether it’s in the work place, athletics, volunteering in
schools and all around, wives and moms, women should and need to feel empowered. Why then are women and men for that matter, buying into what they see in TV ads, magazines and online. Is the marketing so glitzy, polished, cool, and made to look so easy that anyone can do it? Is that how we purchase all our products, knowing that things are air brushed, lit in a certain fashion and generally manipulated, so you couldn’t possibly look that way?
Are we being duped,
fleeced, or bamboozled? I really hope that we are smarter than that. This is exactly why I know that the Fitness Industry is counting on and dare I say, preying on our fears.
So, What IS a person to do?
First, recognize how you feel towards yourself and know that it’s normal and that others feel the same way.
Second, understand that it’s a process and that
there are no quick fixes.
Third, you need to be committed and keep your eye on the goal.
How do you get from here to there? We’ll be talking about all this and more in future articles. We’ll continue to dispel the myths, educate you on how to train and get a better understanding of why you’re doing it.
Bottom line, we’re going to help you create a real lifestyle that you’ll be able to live
For more information on this and the Strength For Life philosophy, please contact Ed Winfield at