We are Really Bad at Marketing!

Published: Tue, 01/16/18

+ We are Really Bad at Marketing!
Some people are very good at marketing their services. They are able to get people fired up about the latest fad in fitness or the newest and quickest way to lose weight. You have heard and seen their ads. 

"Lose 20 pounds in six weeks", "Get paid to lose weight", "Burn 600 calories in 30 minutes" 

We all know that these claims are misleading at best and that there is no real short-term answer to being fit and healthy.  

Many of these same marketers charge very high rates for a one-size fits all, quick-fix program that crowds as many people as possible into a room and have them run around doing random exercises with no thought of the individuals capabilities and limitations, goals or experience with exercise.

Sure, a few people succeed  - at least in the short-term, but how many fail, drop out because the exercise was too hard, or get hurt because their body was not ready for an intense exercise program? 

The truth is that we are not very good at marketing at Strength for Life. We don't promote shortcuts and short-term results. We don't make promises that are not true. We know that getting fit is not easy. There are really only two factors that will guarantee your success. Consistency and effort. 

Our first goal with new clients, especially those who are new to exercise or who have not exercised for a long time is to establish the habit of exercise. Your job is to get through the door at Strength for Life.  Once you are here, we will make sure you get the right amount of exercise based on your goals, how you move and your current level of conditioning.

Our thought has always been to take care of you, the client, and Strength for Life will be a success. We want to build a business where our clients stay year after year and get results, not just in the gym, but more importantly in life. We love when our clients gain confidence in their abilities and take that confidence out in the world with them to be better at whatever they choose.

If you are tired of being mislead by the false promises of fitness marketers, come and see us. We promise to do our best to help you reach your fitness and health goals using the best and safest principles of exercise science.

 To sign up for a free no-pressure consultation, call us at 484-441-6126 or email Jim@@strengthforlife.us.

“How many fail, drop out because the exercise was too hard, or get hurt because their body was not ready for an intense exercise program? ”
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