SFL: When did you first join Strength for Life?
Susan: I joined in July of 2017.
SFL: What were your
goals when you decided to join SFL?
Susan: My goals were definitely to lose some weight and feel better in my own skin. I’m 51 years old, and over the last 15 years the pounds have kept creeping on, but I would always dismiss any weight gain as, “just a couple of pounds.” I reached a point when I would catch unexpected glimpses of my reflection and feel shocked knowing that that’s
what other people were seeing when they looked at me. I was still holding onto an image of myself in my 30s.
SFL: What changes have you noticed as a result of your training, both inside and outside of the gym?
Susan: When I am in the gym, I don’t give up on my
workout. At Strength for Life, the people who work there know personally that I am there, whereas at gyms in the past I would swipe my card and then be on my own, and it was difficult to stay motivated to push myself. Sometimes I would leave without even breaking a sweat. But here I always leave with the feeling that I just had a really good workout. I took advantage of the nutrition consults that are offered, and although I haven’t totally revamped my diet, I have made small changes
like limiting the amount of bread I eat, and increased protein. As a result I feel like my midsection, which has always been my problem spot, looks and feels better.
SFL: If you knew someone who was on the fence about joining SFL, what would you say to them?
I would
tell them that they will get the support here they need to reach their goals. You don’t need to feel like someone’s grading you, but you still have a sense of accountability because of the way the class size and schedule is designed - which makes it more likely that you will put time in your schedule for the gym.