January 2018 Newsletter

Published: Tue, 01/02/18

SFL Client of the Month
Susan Edgcumbe
Congratulations to Susan Edgcumbe, our Strength for Life Clients of the month for January.  

​​​​​​​We asked Susan a few questions about her experience at Strength for Life.

SFL: When did you first join Strength for Life?

Susan: I joined in July of 2017.

SFL: What were your goals when you decided to join SFL?

Susan: My goals were definitely to lose some weight and feel better in my own skin. I’m 51 years old, and over the last 15 years the pounds have kept creeping on, but I would always dismiss any weight gain as, “just a couple of pounds.” I reached a point when I would catch unexpected glimpses of my reflection and feel shocked knowing that that’s what other people were seeing when they looked at me. I was still holding onto an image of myself in my 30s.

SFL: What changes have you noticed as a result of your training, both inside and outside of the gym?

Susan: When I am in the gym, I don’t give up on my workout. At Strength for Life, the people who work there know personally that I am there, whereas at gyms in the past I would swipe my card and then be on my own, and it was difficult to stay motivated to push myself. Sometimes I would leave without even breaking a sweat. But here I always leave with the feeling that I just had a really good workout. I took advantage of the nutrition consults that are offered, and although I haven’t totally revamped my diet, I have made small changes like limiting the amount of bread I eat, and increased protein. As a result I feel like my midsection, which has always been my problem spot, looks and feels better.

SFL: If you knew someone who was on the fence about joining SFL, what would you say to them?

I would tell them that they will get the support here they need to reach their goals. You don’t need to feel like someone’s grading you, but you still have a sense of accountability because of the way the class size and schedule is designed - which makes it more likely that you will put time in your schedule for the gym.

We are very happy and proud to have Susan as part of our SFL community!
SFL 2018
Our motto at Strength for Life is "Challenge Yourself to Excel." In 2018, we will continue to provide challenges to take you out of your comfort zone and move you closer to your goals. This year we are adding a monthly Fitness Challenge. The Fitness challenge will focus on a specific movement or skill. Each challenge will have three levels. Choose the level that pushes you to a new level. We will also continue our monthly Nutrition Challenges. 

We will also be diving deep into goal achievement. Goals give us purpose, contribute to our happiness and help us achieve more than we thought possible. Look for articles, tips and videos that will help us kickstart our goals, keep our motivation when obstacles get in our way, get clarity and focus about what we want to accomplish and finish strong.

Contact any of our SFL coaches if you would like to sit down and review your goals and keep you on track as you "Challenge Yourself to Excel" in 2018.  
SFL Goal Achievement Series
Here is the first in our newest series to help you become your best self. The SFL Goal Achievement Series is designed to help you set big goals, stay focuses and motivated and overcome obstacles along the way. 
Monthly Fitness Challenge
January Fitness Challenge - Squat

Level 1 Challenge: Goblet Squat for 20 reps with 20 pounds to parallel
Level 2 Challenge: Back Squat to parallel with ½ bodyweight for 20 reps
Level 3 Challenge: Back Squat to parallel with bodyweight for 15 reps

Remember to maintain good form throughout each lift. Challenges must br reviewed by an SFL trainer.
Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Strength for Life is raising the bar for your health this year! Join our 12 monthly challenges and push yourself to step outside your comfort zone. We're starting things off with a month of clean eating by keeping added sugars out of our diet.

So here's the low-down... you get to make your own rules. If you don't think going cold turkey on added sugars is even remotely possible, then choose to eliminate sugary cereals for the month or only have one dessert a week. Whatever rules you choose for yourself, make sure it's challenging, doable, and healthy (juice cleanses = no-no). Honor system!  Most of all, have fun with these challenges and always keep your end goal in mind. Here's to better health in 2018!
The Challenge

Level 1 - Eliminate one sugary food from you daily diet.

Level 2 - Eliminate all added sugar from your daily nutrition intake.

Level 3 - Add complex carbohydrates to at least one additional meal each day.
Let us know how you are doing.​​​​​​​ 

Strength for Life Programs
Strength for Women, Strength for Life

Strength for Women, Strength for Life is designed to empower women and build a belief in themselves, by giving them the strength to recognize and change behaviors, accept who they are, feel that they deserve to be happy and whole and be grateful for it.

This eight week program is a step by step process where we will explore your barriers to change such as fears and anxieties, identify and recognize negative experiences; we’ll work on self esteem and values, shed light on your positive traits and gratitude, all by using the power that women have within them.

Moxie Strong
Moxie Strong is Strength for Life's newest program. Moxie Strong embraces strong, independent, fierce determined women. Moxie Strong is a program for a women's whole person. Moxie Strong is for women who are not intimidated by lifting weights and fro women who strive to be their best in all areas of their life. 

Contact Natalie Bean at NNbean@comcast.net 

Online Training 
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers. Active SFL clients will receive a discounted price for online training.

Contact Jim@Strengthforlife.us
Good Reads
Here is a list of some great articles:

Is there a Difference Between fresh, Frozen and Canned Vegetables?

10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out

4 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals

6 Really Good Things That Happen to Your Body When You Sugar

Join Gina in Costa Rica!
Love to travel? Love to workout? What better way to combine both than to spend 5 days and nights with SFL Trainer Gina Cugini in one o f the world's most diverse and beautiful places. 

Gina is co-leading a vacation in Costa Rica this March. The trip is limited to 14 participants. If you are interested in spending quality time with Gina click on the link below.

Strength for Life
1440 Wallingford Road
Springfield, Pa 19064
​​​​​​​Call for a Free Consultation