October Newsletter

Published: Mon, 10/02/17

SFL Client of the Month
​​​​​​​Our Spartan "Beasts"
Sam Burke, Michael Vincent and Peter Dijstelbloem
Congratulations to the Sam Burke, Michael Vincent and Peter Djistelbloem, our Strength for Life Clients of the month for October. In September, the three compadres completed the Spartan Beast race in  Killington Vermont. The race covers close to 14 miles and includes 35 obstacles. 

Sam, Michael and Peter train at 6 am on most days. All three have improved their strength, stamina and flexibility as well as improving their times in the Spartan races.
We are very happy and proud to have them as part of our SFL community!
Join us for Recipe Night!
Looking for some good healthy recipes? Join us on Thursday, October 26th from 7 - 9 pm for SFL Recipe Night. We will be preparing and sampling some healthy appetizers, entrees and desserts.
Our theme will be Halloween, so be ready for some fun Fall foods.

Let us know if you have achieved a personal goal inside or outside of Strength for Life. No achievement is too big or too small. We want to celebrate all the little and big wins.

This month:

Bonnie Hughes and Erin Rodgers successfully climbed the rope.


Let us know of any accomplishments you would like us to post. As you can tell, we are very proud of our SFL clients.

Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Kitchen Makeover
The Challenge

Choose one of the Kitchen Makeover tips from the article below for the Month of September:
Let us know how you are doing.

When was the last time your kitchen had a makeover? Now, we are not talking about new kitchen cabinets or a new floor, but making over the items you keep in your refrigerator, freezer and pantry.

Eating healthy can be a challenge. Life interferes with our plans. We are often in a rush to get kids to an event or practice, trying to manage a household, care for an aging relative or catching up on work. We are in “grab and go” mode with little thought about good nutrition or we try to use willpower to avoid unhealthy foods.
“Grab and go” and willpower are not long-term strategies that will get us to our goal of health. Our willpower is limited and when we just grab any available food, our choice is often the least healthy option available. Often by the end of the day, we have used most of our willpower and do not have the energy to resist temptation. Instead of relying on willpower, a better way is not to have to make a decision in the first place.
Do you ever find yourself staring into the abyss of the refrigerator and the only choices are ice cream or a piece of fruit? Chances are you will be mindlessly gulping down gobs of ice cream without a thought. A better way is to not have to make the decision between ice cream and fruit in the first place.   If the ice cream was not in the refrigerator in the first place, we would choose the fruit and not have to rely on willpower.

The best way to avoid foods that have little nutritional value is to keep them out of our house. If you are trying to eat healthier or lose weight, then why keep foods that do not support your goal in your house?
Food decisions should be simple. The best way to eat healthy is to make your nutrition decisions fool-proof. Kitchen makeovers are a great way to simplify nutrition and make eating healthy easy.  Follow these simple steps to makeover your kitchen.

Read the rest of the article at:

SFL Starts Powerlifting Club
Are you ready to get "Super Strong?" Join SFL trainer Tyler Keen in our new Powerlifting Program. Contact Tyler at Tyler.Keen42@gmail.com to join. 
Online Training now available at SFL
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers. Active SFL clients will receive a discounted price for online training.
Good Reads