September Newsletter

Published: Wed, 09/06/17

SFL Client of the Month
​​​​​​​The Frick Family
Congratulations to the Frick family; Rebecca, Emma and Aiden, our Strength for Life Client of the month for September. Rebecca has been part of SFL since we opened in January of 2015. Emma and Aiden joined recently. 

Rebecca is a graduate of Cardinal O'Hara High School and Lehigh University and Aiden and Emma's mom.  Rebecca loves to knit and garden in addition to raising four children and doing volunteer work.  Emma is a Communications major at Temple University and Aiden, (missing from the photo) is a senior at Strath Haven High School.

The Frick family are all-in when it comes to training.  You can always count on Rebecca, Emma and Aiden to give all their energy in every workout.  Check out Emma's birthday Challenge!  All three have made tremendous progress in strength, mobility and stamina. 

We are very happy and proud to have them as part of our SFL community!



SFL Reboot Challenge is Back!
The Strength for Life Reboot Challenge is back! We will be hosting an open house on Tuesday, September 19th at 5 pm. 

Our Reboot program focuses on the behavior changes, nutrition coaching, peer support and strength training needed to get you back on track and "Reboot" your metabolism.   

At the Open House, we’ll be sharing details and answering questions about the Reboot Challenge, an 8-week program designed to help you learn the lifestyle habits needed to achieve a healthy body weight.

During each week of the 8-week Reboot Challenge, we’ll dedicate 2 hours to strength training in a small group setting, and 1 hour to an interactive educational session. Topics will focus on building the fitness, nutrition, and habits needed to cultivate lasting lifestyle changes.

We are limiting participation in this program to 5 people so we can give you the best possible program to Reboot your Life.

For more information and to reserve your spot go to:

Strength for Life Night at The Broad Table Tavern at the Inn  at Swarthmore
Join us at the Inn at Swarthmore on  Tuesday evening, September 19th from 6:30 - 8 pm. The Broad Table Tavern at the Inn is offering 15% off all food and drinks to Strength for Life members. 

Let us know if you have achieved a personal goal inside or outside of Strength for Life. No achievement is too big or too small. We want to celebrate all the little and big wins.

This month:

SFL trainer Emily MacCart increased her personal best in the deadlift with a lift of 205 for 8 repetitions. She also posted a best bench of 120 pounds.


Let us know of any accomplishments you would like us to post. As you can tell, we are very proud of our SFL clients.

Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Complex Carbs
The Challenge

Choose one of the Complex Carb tips from the article below for the Month of September:
Let us know how you are doing.


Carbs, or carbohydates, have gotten a pretty bad rep recently.  Low carb and no carb diets have become the new go-to for anyone looking to lose weight. But have we gone too far in our quest to eliminate carbs from our diet?

Carbohydrates provide energy that fuels Your body. Carbohydrates are just glucose, (sugar), molecules that are strung together. These molecules break down in the body to provide energy.

Carbohydrates can be simple or complex. Simple carbohydrates have fewer molecules of sugar and break down quickly in the body. Think of simple carbohydrates as a match that burns bright and quick. When we consume simple carbs, our energy levels spike quickly and then drop fast.

Complex carbohydrates break down more slowly and provide a more even energy. Like the light of a candle, complex carbs provide energy at a steady rate for a longer period-of-time than simple carbohydrates.


Read the rest of the article at:

Online Training now available at SFL
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers. Active SFL clients will receive a discounted price for online training.
Good Reads
Here is a list of some great articles:

18 Uncomfortable Truths about Fitness, Health and Nutrition

30 Minutes to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Why I Love Being Bad at stuff (Seriously)

A Good Guide to Good Carbs: The Glycemic Index
And don't forget our next Book Club Meeting on Tuesday evening, September 12th,  from 7-8 pm. The group will be discussing "Why We Get Fat " by Gary Taube.