December Newsletter

Published: Mon, 12/04/17

SFL Client of the Month
Karen Wolters
Congratulations to Karen Wolters, our Strength for Life Clients of the month for November.  

​​​​​​​We asked Karen a few questions about her experience at Strength for Life.

Why did you join SFL?
I began at SFL at the very beginning with a group of (fantastic) women that had worked out together in the same space.  For the first week or so, I felt very uncertain about the emphasis on strength, but I was quickly convinced.
What were your goals when you started at SFL?

When I started at SFL, my goal was simple - have a place to work out that was local, convenient and efficient.  SFL is all of those things.  But since joining SFL 2 years ago, I’ve done much more than just “workout”.  I can squat 135lbs (ok ... on a VERY good day!) and climb a rope all the way to the ceiling.  My endurance has improved AND  I’ve met a ton of fabulous people.

In fact, I enjoy SFL people even more than the workouts!  The men and women I work out with are friendly, interesting, encouraging and authentic.   The staff is knowledgeable, challenging and attentive.  We laugh a lot together!

What tip would you give someone just starting their fitness journey?

My advice to someone starting out?  Bring a friend or make a friend.  Viewing workouts as an opportunity to connect helped me establish consistency.  And try lifting weights!  It’s fun to see your body become stronger.

We are very happy and proud to have Karen as part of our SFL community!
 SFL Holiday Party
Join us on Thursday, December 14th for our annual Holiday Party from 6-8 pm.   

Bring the family and enjoy yummy food, tons of fun and holiday-themed games and a sing-a-long with the Strength for Life community.  
Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Healthy Fats
The Challenge

Choose one of the Spice tips from the article below for the Month of November:

The Challenge:
Level 1 - Add one meal a week that includes healthy omega-3 fats to your diet.

Level 2 - Reduce the amount of saturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids in your diet by half.

Level 3 - Consume at least two meals a week that include omega-3 fatty acids and cook only with oils that contain unsaturated or monounsaturated fats.
Let us know how you are doing.

 Healthy Fats

Fats are one of the most confusing areas of nutrition to most people. For years we have been told to avoid and limit the amount of fats that we take in on a daily basis. In recent years, we have learned that some fats are good and even necessary for our health.

A study conducted in the 1960’s revealed that people in Mediterranean countries experience lower rates of heart disease despite consuming high levels of fats in their diets. The type of fats that they consumed was mostly monounsaturated fats from olive oil.

Dietary fats help protect against heart disease, lowers your bad cholesterol, (LDL), and triglyceride levels, provides essential fats that your body cannot produce itself and even reduces risk of death from all causes.

Eating the right kind of fats help to reduce inflammation in the body, helps us to feel full after eating and provide many important vitamins and minerals.

Read the rest of the article at:

Strength for Life Programs
Powerlifting Club

Are you ready to get "Super Strong?" Join SFL trainer Tyler Keen in our new Powerlifting Program. Contact Tyler at to join.

Strength for Women, Strength for Life

Strength for Women, Strength for Life is designed to empower women and build a belief in themselves, by giving them the strength to recognize and change behaviors, accept who they are, feel that they deserve to be happy and whole and be grateful for it.

This eight week program is a step by step process where we will explore your barriers to change such as fears and anxieties, identify and recognize negative experiences; we’ll work on self esteem and values, shed light on your positive traits and gratitude, all by using the power that women have within them.

Moxie Strong
Moxie Strong is Strength for Life's newest program. Moxie Strong embraces strong, independent, fierce determined women. Moxie Strong is a program for a women's whole person. Moxie Strong is for women who are not intimidated by lifting weights and fro women who strive to be their best in all areas of their life. 

Contact Natalie Bean at 

Online Training 
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers. Active SFL clients will receive a discounted price for online training.

Contact Tyler at
Ariana to Lead Dance Party Fundraiser for Puerto Rico 
In solidarity with the people of Puerto Rico and with the help of my fellow Strength for Life staff members, I am hosting a Latin dance fitness fundraiser for Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico on December 9, from 1-2pm. I invite you to join me to move your feet, shake your booty and sweat for a good cause!! No previous Latin dance experience necessary!! This event will raise funds to support Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Maria relief efforts.

My godmother Virginia Sanchez and her husband Sedo Sanchez, together with their daughter Gabriela and godson Gerardo Velazco, created Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico. Virginia and Sedo, who were both born on the island and have a home there, were in Puerto Rico when Hurricane Maria hit. They were forced to evacuate to an emergency shelter temporarily, and fortunately made it back to Philadelphia safely. Since their return they have worked tirelessly and generously to help loved ones and neighbors on the island get back on their feet, with the formation of Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico. Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico is a grass-roots initiative to collect supplies (especially batteries; battery and solar operated lanterns, radios, fans, phone chargers; generators; tarps; mosquito repellant, water filters/purifiers; propane stoves) and raise funds to cover the shipping costs for sending supplies directly to people in need on the island.

I have been blessed to know Virginia and her husband Sedo for several years. Through mutual friends we became acquainted during a difficult time in my life when I really needed the guidance and wisdom of elders to get me back on the right track. Before I met Virginia, I had been struggling with a severe depression and undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder that nearly cost me my life. Virginia taught me an ancient spiritual practice to honor ancestors, from our shared heritage as Puerto Ricans with roots going back to the indigenous Taino people and African slaves, that I can honestly say, helped me connect with my own inner strength and peace in a way that no therapist or medication in the past ever did. While it is too complex and profound to explain here in these paragraphs (if you’re curious you can ask me about it in person at SFL), I share this to express what a profound blessing Virginia has been in my life, and why I am personally motivated to assist her work with Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico.

I look forward to seeing you at the Latin dance fitness fundraiser for Pa’Arriba Puerto Rico on Saturday, 12/9, from 1-2pm at Strength for Life! Thank you very much for your participation and support! I’ll share more details in the weeks to come. In the meantime, if you have questions about this event, please email me:
Good Reads
Join Gina in Costa Rica!
Love to travel? Love to workout? What better way to combine both than to spend 5 days and nights with SFL Trainer Gina Cugini in one o f the world's most diverse and beautiful places. 

Gina is co-leading a vacation in Costa Rica this March. The trip is limited to 14 participants. If you are interested in spending quality time with Gina click on the link below.

Strength for Life
1440 Wallingford Road
Springfield, Pa 19064
​​​​​​​Call for a Free Consultation