March Newsletter

Published: Thu, 03/02/17

SFL Client of the Month
Brady Drummond
We are very proud to announce that the Strength for Life Client of the month for March is Brady Drummond.

Brady has been one of the most consistent Strength for Life clients over the past two years. His cheerful attitude, winning smile and sharp wit brightens everyone's day. He has a "Can do" approach to training and a willingness to challenge himself that inspires SFL staff and clients alike.

Over the past year, he has shown great improvement in his strength and fitness levels. Brady can do a full squat with excellent form with more than 155 pounds and has bench pressed 125 pounds.
Brady played rugby in High School at Monsignor Bonner and at Neuman University.When he is not training, Brady works at the Philadelphia Union stadium on weekends. He is a recent graduate of Neuman University.
Save the Date for our next Recipe Night
March 21, 2017
7-9 PM

Join us for some good food and take home a copy of your favorite recipe!

Bring a friend!

Monthly Nutrition Challenge
This month our nutrition focus shifts to protein. According to WebMD, Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage,skin and blood.

The average sedentary man needs 56 grams of protein each day, while the average sedentary women needs 46 grams of protein each day. Active individuals require additional protein.

The Challenge

If you do not eat much protein we recommend that you challenge yourself to get to 60 grams a day for men or 50 grams a day for women.

If you already meet these minimum guidelines challenge yourself to increase your protein to between 80 and 100 grams of protein each day.

For individuals who are training hard, want to get leaner and are already taking in 80-100 grams of protein a day, shoot for between .5 and 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

To keep you motivated during the protein challenge check out our Monthly Challenge Facebook page. Let us know how you are doing with the Protein challenge and check out more articles on the benefits of protein.
Good Reads
We are now streaming live on Facebook every Wednesday at noon. Check us out and let us know your questions about exercise, nutrition, weight loss or performance.