August Newsletter

Published: Sun, 08/06/17

SFL Client of the Month
Kate Williams
Congratulations to Kate Williams, our Strength for Life Client of the month for August. Kate joined SFL in February of 2017 and has been a staple at our early morning 6 am classes. Kate is always ready to work hard and her infectious smile and attitude bring positive energy to every class she attends.

Kate is married with two children and works as a nurse. Last month Kate challenged herself to excel by completing six 6k runs on her birthday. Each run started from a significant place in her life including the home where she grew up, her current home, Tyler Arboretum, Ridley Creek State Park and Strength for Life.

We wish Kate continued success on her fitness journey and we are extremely proud that she chooses to train at Strength for Life.

Let us know if you have achieved a personal goal inside or outside of Strength for Life. No achievement is too big or too small. We want to celebrate all the little and big wins.

This month:

SFL Trainer Emily MacCart hit best lifts of 225 pounds X 3 reps, 245 X 1 rep in the Deadlift and Bench pressed 120 pounds for 1 rep.

Daytona Murphy pulled 135 pounds for 13 repetitions in the deadlift.

Erin Rodgers completed her first pushup.

Let us know of any accomplishments you would like us to post. As you can tell, we are very proud of our SFL clients.

Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Emotional Eating
The Challenge

Choose one of the Emotional Eating tips from the article below for the Month of August:
Let us know how you are doing.
Most nights, it’s the same pattern. I come home from Strength for Life, check the mail, make something for dinner and sit down for the evening. I might do a little work and watch some television and then it happens. Just like clockwork, without even thinking of it, I am back in the kitchen grabbing a snack. Before I know it, I am sitting in front of the TV munching mindlessly.
I know that I am not really hungry and the snack, (or two, or three), is not needed but I continue to eat anyway. Late night eating for me is just a habit that does not support my fitness or nutrition and needs to go.
Many of us eat when we are bored, stressed, sad, lonely, have relationship conflicts, or as a way to deal with unpleasant emotions or just out of habit.
That is bad enough, but what is even worse is that the food we eat does not make us feel better. As a matter of fact, we often feel guilty for overeating. We feel bad, we eat. We feel guilty, we eat again. We may have filled our stomachs, but we have not filled the emotional need that caused us to reach for food in the first place.
Emotional hunger is different from physical hunger. Emotional hunger is often impulsive. There is an urgency to eat something, often less healthy, comfort foods. Emotional hunger is not satisfying and is often done thoughtlessly as though we were on automatic pilot. We often feel regret or guilt after a bout of emotional eating.
Stress, boredom, loneliness, trying to bury our emotions, conflicts with relationships, fatigue, being unhappy with the way we look, health or financial issues, social situations, going out with friends can trigger emotional eating.  Emotional eating can soon become an unwanted habit.
There is good news.

Read the rest of the article at:

Online Training now available at SFL
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers.
Monthly Fitness Challenge
​​​​​​​Fun in the Sun
Strength for Life is about challenging yourself physically, intellectually and emotionally.each month we will present a fitness challenge to try.

Our August Challenge is:  Fun in the Sun

The end of the summer is here, so we thought it would be a perfect time to just have some fun with our workouts.

You have worked hard all year and now is the time to enjoy the new strength, mobility and conditioning that you have achieved with your hard work at Strength for Life.The goal here is to try something that you do not usually so for a workout and just have some fun.

Here are a few ideas:

Go tubing on the Brandywine or Delaware River
Dance in your living room
Have a Catch
Hike or Bike on the new Chester Creek Trail
Play tag with your friends
Kayak on the Schuykill or Delaware River
Play a game of Wiffleball
Go for a Swim
Run along the beach at night
Try Paddleboarding

Post your fun workouts on our Instagram or Facebook page and let us know how you made your August workouts fun!
Good Reads
Here is a list of some great articles:
How I finally Quit making Excuses and Got Healthy Habits to Stick
The Decision Making Guide: How to Make Smart Decisions and Avoid Bad Ones

The surprising truth about sugar. Here’s everything you need to know about what it does to your body.

And don't forget our next Book Club Meeting on Tuesday evening, August 22nd,  from 7-8 pm. The group will be discussing "Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It" by Gary Taubes