Let us know if you have achieved a personal goal inside or outside of Strength for Life. No achievement is too big or too small. We want to celebrate all the little and big wins.
Two more clients reached the top of the rope climb: Chrissy Brotschul and Jake Branyan
Karen K. posted bests on her bench press and deadlift.
Ibrahim Miari had a best Squat of 185 pounds for three repetitions.
Ngozi benched 105 pounds
for six repetitions.
Linda squatted 115 pounds
A special congratulations to Ro and Katherine on their recent marriage. We wish them many years of happiness together.
Best of luck to Jenna Fredette, Tina Horn, Jessica Dickert and Jake Branyan and SFL Trainer Ariana Gordon, who will be representing Strength
for Life at the Blue Mountain Spartan Race this Sunday.
Also, our best to Kate Williams who is Challenging herself to Excel by running 6 different 6 mile routes on her birthday this month.
Let us know of any accomplishments you would like us to post. As you can tell, we are very proud of our
SFL clients.