June Newsletter

Published: Wed, 06/14/17

SFL Client of the Month
Stephanie Edwards and Ati Bailey
 Congratulations to Stephanie Edwards and Ati Bailey, our newest SFL client(s) of the month. Stephanie and Ati have been with SFL since December of 2015 and have made great fitness gains despite some small setbacks. They met in New Zealand where Ati is from, fell in love and eventually married. About five years ago, they relocated back to the US.
Ati and Stephanie enjoy the small classes and support from staff and other clients at SFL. Both have had back issues in the past, but have had the "Grit" to keep going with their training programs.
Strength for Life Annual Family Barbecue
Join us on Saturday, June 24th for our Annual Strength for Life Family Barbecue from 1-4 PM. The location has been moved from Smedley Park to Meadow Green Park.  Meadow Green Park is located at 85 South State Street in Springfield behind the Springfield Shopping Center off Sproul and State Road. We will have lot's of good food, fun and games. Bring the family!
Let us know if you have achieved a personal goal inside or outside of Strength for Life. No achievement is too big or too small. We want to celebrate all the little and big wins.

This month:

Massive kudos to Mike Steck for pushing me to achieve three personal bests this week. Squat, RDLs and Bench Press. Feeling strong...maybe we can add a deadlift PB on Saturday... Thank you SFL team!!! - Stephanie Edwards

Congratulations to Paul and Linda Harrington on the birth of their grandson.

Erika Kawmura ran her fastest 5k at the Delaware County Suicide Prevention and Awareness Task Force 5K. Erika registered a 27:30 time.

Several clients conquered the rope challenge this month including Kate Williams, Sheila Branyan, Kathryn and Dirk Ohley, Karen Wolters. Emma Frick, Sam Burke, and Peter Djistelbloem.

Ibrahim Miari, Ngozi Atanmo, Emma Frick and Kate Williams achieved personal bests in the squat.

Let us know of any accomplishments you would like us to post. As you can tell, we are very proud of our SFL clients.

Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Meal Planning
The Challenge

Choose one of these meal planning challenges for the Month of June:
Plan one meal a day for a week. Choose breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Plan you protein intake for each day for a week.
Plan your healthy snacks for a week.

Check out our Healthy Meal Planning Tips and let us know how you are doing.
Share your best tip and you will be entered into a drawing to win a Strength for Life T-shirt

    Meal Planning Tips

Meal planning is a great way to stay on top of your nutrition. Whether you are counting calories, tracking macros, watching your portion size or just trying to choose healthy foods, meal planning can help.

The thought of finding time to plan and cook meals ahead of time can be daunting. Meal planning is a great way to set yourself up for success with your nutrition plan.

The best part of meal planning is that you can't fail!
Online Training now available at SFL
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers.
Brain Games

At SFL we want you to have a strong body and a strong mind.

Recent research shows that training the brain can keep our minds young and sharp. Stimulating our brains, physical exercise, diet and other healthy lifestyle habits have a stronger impact on keeping our brains young than our genes.

Send in your answers to the following puzzle and we will enter you into a drawing for a free SFL T-shirt. All entries must be received by June 22nd. Send answers to Jim@strengthforlife.us


Below you will find 15 well-known seven letter words, with only their endings remaining.

Can you determine the words?


Source: Brainden.com

Good Reads
Here is a list of some great articles:

100 Life Changing Actions to Turn into Habits

11 reasons why Real Food Helps You Lose Weight

5 Ways to Eat Less Processed Food and Meal Prep

12 Ways to Maximize Your Rest Day

And don't forget our first Book Club Meeting meets this Tuesday evening from 7-8 pm. The group will be discussing "Grit" by Angela Duckworth.

SFL Recommends
Healing Hands Massage

Ariana had the opportunity to test first-hand our newest corporate partner, Healing Hands Massage. 

Check out her review:

I had a massage, (by Ryan), with strong, deep pressure concentrated on my upper neck/back/shoulders. A couple of days before the massage, I started having neck and upper back pain, (probably from my sleeping position). The night before the massage, I had a sleepless night,(the tension in my neck and stress from  worrying about an ill family member didn't let e get much rest).

Ryan did a great job finding all my stubborn deep knots and working to release them with just the right amount of pressure.

He was very attentive during the session. For example, I came in with congestion, still recovering from a col/upper respiratory illness that started a week ago. When it was time to turn over from my stomach to lay flat on my back, I really needed to sit up and cough. Right away, he offered to get me water without my asking for it. He also offered to get me a tissue. Little details like these from a masseuse really go a long way to make a client feel comfortable.

I also appreciated the lavender aroma therapy which is one of my favorite scents. Also, the relaxing instrumental music playing in the background. After the massage and for the rest of the evening, I felt very relaxed and slept like a baby.

I am looking forward to my next appointment with Ryan. I highly recommend Healing Hands to anyone seeking massage therapy.

You can book your sessions at http://hhmassage.com.
Tell the receptionist that you are a Strength for Life client.