May Newsletter

Published: Tue, 05/02/17

SFL Client of the Month
Chrissy Brotschul
Chrissy Brotschul has been a SFL client since August of 2015. Chrissy participates in early morning classes and one- on - one personal training sessions. Her progress over the past 20 months has been incredible. Her strength levels have increased as her bodyfat levels have decreased. Consistency and hard work have been key to Chrissy's success.

Let us know if you have achieved a personal goal inside or outside of Strength for Life. No achievement is too big or too small. We want to celebrate all the little and big wins.

This month:

SFL Co-owner Ed Winfield's twin son and daughter, Jack and Meghan have been accepted to Williamson Trade School and Penn State to continue their post high school education.

Leslie Goldsmith, Ibrahim Miari, Rebecca Frick, And Jerry Getz have conquered the rope challenge at SFL.

Ibrahim also had a personal best squat of 155 pounds for eight repetitions.

Daytona Murphy completed her first pullup and improved her box jump to 30 inches.

Let us know of any accomplishments you would like us to post. As you can tell, we are very proud of our SFL clients.

Monthly Nutrition Challenge
Snacking – Good or Bad?
Everyone snacks, but does snacking help us to reach our fitness, nutrition and weight loss goals?
For our purposes, snacking can be defined as eating or drinking outside of our regular meal schedule. We snack because we are hungry, bored, anxious, stressed, or because there is food available or out of habit.  
Many fitness experts even recommend snacking throughout the day to boost your metabolism and keep your body burning calories at a higher rate than normal. Unfortunately, the evidence does not support this type of snacking. How often we eat actually has little to do with how fast our body burns calories.

Is Snacking good for Weight Loss?
The evidence on weight loss and appetite control is mixed and the response seems to vary by individual. Some people feel more full after snacking and eat fewer calories as a result, while others actually eat more calories when snacking.
Snacking can affect our blood sugar levels. Eating high protein or high fiber snacks can provide more even energy levels and keep our blood sugar from spiking and dropping rapidly.
Eating a healthy snack can help us from becoming extremely hungry and overeating or making poor food choices.
Snacking is really a personal choice, but if you decide to snack choose healthy options that are in line with your goals.
Snacking Guidelines
  • Snack only when you are a little bit hungry.    
  • Choose snacks of 150 to 250 calories that are high in protein and fiber.
  • Snack mindfully. Focus on the food you are eating.
  • Keep healthy snacks on hand.
  • Pick snacks that are portable that you can take with you.
  • Avoid high-processed sugar foods that can leave you craving extra calories.
Controlling Cravings
There are times when we just crave something sweet or salty to eat. Stress and fatigue are two big culprits that leads us to craving and unwanted calories or worse, binge eating.
Try these techniques to curb your cravings:

  1. Get more sleep
  2. Take a walk
  3. Reach for a book or listen to your favorite music to relax before reaching for the cookies or ice-cream.
  4. Change your environment. Keep food in an inconvenient place so you have to work to get your “food fix”.
If you decide to snack, here are a few healthy snack ideas:
  • String cheese and fresh vegetable slices
  • Sunflower seeds, nuts and an apple
  • Cottage cheese with fruit
  • Cherry or grape tomatoes with low-fat or fat-free cheese
  • Plain, low-fat or fat-free yogurt and fresh or frozen fruit
  • Unsalted almonds, walnuts and other nuts
The Challenge

Choose one of these snack challenges for the Month of May:
Add a healthy post-workout snack that includes protein and a complex carbohydrate.
Eliminate late night snacking
Substitute a high fiber, high protein snack for your usual sweet or salty mid-day or evening snack.
Let us know how you are doing.

Online Training now available at SFL
SFL is now offering online training to clients who travel frequently or want to train while on vacation. If you are interested in more details or would like to participate in the online training program, see one of our SFL trainers.
Brain Games

At SFL we want you to have a strong body and a strong mind.

Recent research shows that training the brain can keep our minds young and sharp. Stimulating our brains, physical exercise, diet and other healthy lifestyle habits have a stronger impact on keeping our brains young than our genes.

Send in your answers to the following logic puzzle and we will enter you into a drawing for a free SFL T-shirt. All entries must be received by May 8th.

The Sheikh's Inheritance

An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower wins. After wandering aimlessly for days, the brothers ask a wise man for guidance. Upon receiving the advice, they jump on the camels and race to the city as fast as they can.

What did the wise man say to them?


Good Reads
Here is a list of some great articles:

6 Scientific Rules that Lead to Fitness

When Body Image Isn't About Your Body

Talent is Overrated: Top Ten Habits of Mentally Tough People

What happens When You Stop Working Out

The Most Effective Plan to End Nighttime Eating
SFL Recommends
Healing Hands Massage

Healing Hands Massage is offering all SFL clients $15 off massage if you purchase two or more 60 or 90 minutes sessions before May 14, 2017

You can book your sessions at

Use the code SPRINGMM17