December Newsletter SFL

Published: Tue, 02/07/17

February 2017

Are you Up for a Challenge?
Are you looking to take you training to the next Level? want to test yourself?

We are putting together a training program for anyone interested in participating in a Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, or Adventure Race.

SFL is putting together a team for a Spartan Race this July at Blue Mountain in the Poconos.

Let us know if you are interested in participating in a training program or joining us at Blue Mountain in July by emailing
Upcoming Bring a Friend Boot Camp
Mark your calendars and invite your friends!  

Join the SFL team on February 17th at 8:30 for a fun workout to kick start your morning! Friends pay just $10.
Bring a Friend Boot Camp
Congratulations to Bonnie Hughes and the Hanby Bees!
SFL client Bonnie Hughes topped off a special season of coaching the Hanby Bees Girls Elementary basketball team by winning the championship this past weekend.

The Bees went undefeated through the season. Congratulations to Bonnie and the Bees!
Member Spotlight:
Dirk and Kathryn Oley
Dirk has been a member at SFL for 1 1/2 years.  Kathryn has been a member for 3 years. 

"We have both become stronger and more confident in trying challenging movements and heavier weights.   The people and trainers make SFL a great place to workout.  We look forward to going to class".  

Kathryn and Dirk are regulars at our 6 AM classes. They are great examples of how consistent effort produces great results.
February Nutrition Challenge
 The SFL Nutrition Challenge this month is to increase your water intake.

Did you know that the average human body is made up of 50-65% water? We lose water each daily in normal bodily functions. If we’re not adequately replenishing with fresh water throughout the day, we can become dehydrated. 
Drink More Water Challenge
Good Reads
Here are some of our favorite articles from the web this month.
5 Ways Calorie Restricting Can Harm You
The Paradox of Behavior Change