Dear Members,
Welcome to a brand new year! We are excited to see you achieve new, incredible goals. Every new year brings many changes, and in our case great ones! The Strength for Life community has been growing, and we can't wait to expand our membership even more. With this growth, however, we've needed to change some of our policies. Please
read the changes below, effective January 9th. Thank you!
Late cancellations: Any personal training session that needs to be cancelled or rescheduled must be done 24 hours prior to the originally scheduled session. If a session is cancelled after that time, a $25 late fee will be charged to your account. You will not lose that session, however, and may use it before your package
expiration date.
The Strength for Life team is always looking to improve your experience here. We look forward to adding more classes and programs this year for your convenience. As always, feel free to address any concerns or questions you may have with the staff as well as offer suggestions that you think will improve upon
the value of your membership.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We wish you the very best for 2017 and are looking forward to helping you reach your fitness goals!
Jim, Ed,
Jules, Gina, Emily, and Mike