Intro to Weights for Women
Join this incredible introductory weight training course where you will learn the foundations of basic resistance training with proper form, dispel the myths behind lifting weights, and start your journey to your fittest you ever! Sign-ups are on a month to month rolling admission basis. Join in the fun this September by clicking the link below!
Sign up now!
Join Our Next Reboot Challenge
Need to reboot? Join the challenge and get the accountability and support you need to reach your health and fitness goals! Unlimited access to classes, a peer support group with staff coaching, and nutritional and behavioral seminars are all included in the challenge. In these eight weeks, you will learn how to continue your healthy habits for long term success!
Join the Reboot Challenge
How far apart should I place my hands? Should I feel it in my lower back? Do I look out or down?Read up on perfect pushup technique and gain total body strength wherever you are - no gym needed!
Perfect your pushup
Sharing your personal story of your journey towards health and fitness takes courage. We are grateful and honored to be able to share Strength for Life client Shamina's story!
Follow Shamina's Journey on our Blog
Strength for Women, Strength for Life
This step by step six week program is designed to empower women and build a belief in themselves by giving them the strength to recognize and change behaviors, accept who they are and feel that they deserve to be happy, whole and grateful. Each week will consist of two group exercise sessions with a certified personal trainer and one group support session with professionals to coach and guide you through personal roadblocks
that keep you from achieving your goals. Start date: October 10th 2016
Are you ready to break through your personal roadblocks?
Bring a Friend Boot Camp returns September 17th at 9:30am! Friends, family, and neighbors are invited to check out the Strength for Life experience in this energy-filled, challenging, and fun group fitness class!
Sign Up for Boot Camp
7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water
Suffering from headaches, belly aches, or fatigue? Chugging a big glass of water may be your best bet!
How Hydration Helps